
Choosing The Perfect Wedding Cake Topper

Wedding Cake with Happily Ever After topper.
Chloe Paige Photography

One of the most delightful ways to add a touch of your unique style and personality to your wedding cake is by selecting the perfect cake topper. Whether you prefer something classic, whimsical, or entirely one-of-a-kind, here are some tips to help you choose the ideal wedding cake topper for your special day.
Leah Daniels Photography
Lego style cake topper figures.

1. Reflect Your Personalities

Your cake topper is a chance to showcase your personalities as a couple. Consider elements that reflect who you are, whether it’s a classic bride and groom figurine, a playful and fun design, or a custom-made topper that symbolizes your shared interests or hobbies. Consider what makes your relationship special and find a topper embodying that essence.

Ever After Studio
Love scrollwork cake topper with florals

2. Match Your Wedding Theme

If you have a specific wedding theme or color scheme, your cake topper can complement it beautifully. For a rustic wedding, opt for a wooden or burlap topper. For a romantic affair, choose a design with hearts or flowers. Ensure that your cake topper aligns with the overall aesthetic of your wedding, from the ceremony to the reception.

Boom Productions
Mr & Mrs cake topper on a naked iced cake.

3. Consider The Cake Size

The size of your cake should influence your choice of cake topper. A small, intricate topper may get lost on a large multi-tiered cake, while a large topper might overwhelm a smaller cake. Balance is key, so make sure your topper complements the size and style of your cake.

At Trout Lake, your included round two-tier wedding cake has a lower tier width of 8 inches, and the upper tier is 6 inches across.

Leah Daniels Photography
Bridge & Groom figures posed on top of cake with pet dog figure.

4. Keep It Meaningful

Select a cake topper that holds sentimental value for both of you. It could be a family heirloom, a topper that reminds you of a special moment in your relationship, or one that represents your cultural heritage. Meaningful toppers add depth and emotional significance to your wedding cake.

Shelley Fox Photography
Bride & Groom new surname cake toppper

5. Embrace Personalized Options

Personalization is a fantastic way to make your wedding cake topper truly unique. Many vendors offer personalized toppers with your name, wedding date, or a special message. These toppers add a personal touch and become cherished keepsakes of your wedding day.

Rooted Image Photography
Cake with floral topper.

6. Coordinate with Your Attire

Consider coordinating your cake topper with your wedding attire. For example, opt for a vintage-style topper if you’re wearing a vintage-inspired gown. Similarly, if your attire features specific colors or motifs, find a topper that complements those elements for a cohesive look.

Tia Leigh Photography
Wide shot of cake table with couple name topper.

7. Plan Ahead and Double-Check Sizes

Lastly, plan ahead when selecting your cake topper. Order it well in advance to ensure it arrives on time. Double-check the dimensions to make sure it fits perfectly on your cake tier.


Your wedding cake topper is a small detail with significant meaning. It's a reflection of your love story and the journey you're embarking on as a married couple. By choosing a cake topper that resonates with you both, you'll add a delightful and personal touch to your wedding cake, making it a sweet centerpiece that tells your unique story.